Entrapment? Decide for yourself after reading this report from the New York Times online, 5:59 PM, October 1, 2011: "After allowing marchers from the Occupy Wall Street protests to claim the Brooklyn-bound car lanes of the Brooklyn Bridge and get partway across, the police cut the marchers off and arrested dozens of demonstrators Saturday afternoon. At 4:35, perhaps 500 people were caught on the bridge between orange nets, about a third of the way across to Brooklyn. The police let some of them walk back to Manhattan. Others on the roadway clambered dangerously up the structure of the bridge to get to the wooden pedestrian walkway, which is about 15 feet above the road. A freelance reporter working for The Times, Natasha Lennard, sent an e-mail at 4:58 saying, 'I’m being arrested.' Some marchers chanted, “Hey hey, ho ho, corporate greed has got to go” as they were handcuffed.'" According to the latest report, over 400 hundreds were arrested!
At noon on Saturday (yesterday), Marash Girl walked out into the Fall air of the Financial District, to find a phalanx of New York City's finest in uniform, yes, hundreds of police, walking down Barclay Street and gathering at the corner of Barclay and Church. They refused to answer Marash Girl when she asked what they were about. But a policewoman getting a cup of coffee in the Starbuck's on the opposite corner of Barclay (at Broadway), answered. "You know, it's for the demonstrators in the park." That's Zuccotti Park, formerly called Liberty Plaza Park. [With all of the problems in New York City, do we really need more of our tax dollars going to the overtime pay of hundreds of police officers hired to round up predominantly peaceful Occupy Wall Street protestors?]
The first Occupied Wall Street Journal published yesterday, a broadsheet. Remember the handbills which played such an important role in the French Revolution. |
This grandma, handing out copies of the broadsheet The Occupied Wall Street Journal, reports that she is one of six grandmas with Occupy Wall Street, 4 of whom were arrested by police this past week. When asked, she admitted that she had participated in the 'sit-ins' of the 1950's. |
Occupy Wall Street demonstrator creates his sign as he 'sits-in' the park, awaiting the march onto the Brooklyn Bridge. When asked "Has Wall Street responded yet?" He answered, "The police are responding for Wall Street." |
Folk musicians play in sympathy with the Occupy Wall Street protestors. |
Anti-Monopoly was no longer a board game for the Occupy Wall Street gathering in Liberty Park. |
Occupy Wall Street participants share their ideas on a 'public' white board. |
Donated books addressing the concerns of the protestors. |
Donations of medical supplies, bedding, food, and books 'underwrote' the protest of Occupy Wall Street. |
Is the Occupy Wall Street protest a throwback to the flower power of the 1960's? |
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Photos by Marash Girl
they should be marching on Washington, and specifically,which is the source of all this. wall street corruption is corporatism at its best, not capitalism at its worse. crony capitalism, aka corporatism, is typical of all fascistic economies, a quality that the explosive growth of government ensures more of.