Monday, July 7, 2014

What did she say?

Walking along the Charles River yesterday with Marash Boy, Marash Girl passed three older women who were vociferously chatting away in Russian.  "What did she say?" asked Marash Girl.  Marash Boy laughed and replied, "The woman said,  'She said, he said, she said!'  What did you expect her to be saying?"

1 comment:

  1. 40% of all russian tank drivers were women at the battle of Kursk, the largest armor battle in ww2, with @6000 tanks massed for the battle. Perhaps the women were talking about their grandmother's heroic actions for their motherland, literally. Or, perhaps, marash boys' russian has become as rusty as those thousands of tanks, burned out and abandoned, and now marking the sight of the furthest penetration eastward of the German Wehrmacht, now grave markers for the folly of the One and His Many.
