Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Longfellow House in Vermont? Can't get away from Cambridge, Massachusetts!

From the internet: "In 1893 Vermont Governor Carroll S. Page built this house for his family on the bluff in Hyde Park, Vermont, not far from his boyhood home. A copy of the 1759 Georgian house in Cambridge, Massachusetts, known as the Longfellow House, it also had the latest gas lighting fixtures, a drinking fountain of Vermont marble, and made-to-order mirrored mantlepieces." Photo (taken in the rain) by Marash Girl

We had travelled for hours to stay at the Trapp Family Lodge in the north of Vermont. After two days of non-stop rain, we decided it was time to venture out, if only in an automobile.  And so we travelled further north, only to be greeted by the haunting image of our past.  Cambridge in Vermont?  It couldn't be!


  1. Did you meet a member of the actual von Trapp family while you were there? Or at least sing a tune from the show?

  2. @Sistah SarahTo answer Sistah Sarah's questions, Yes and yes; more on that in a future blog!
