Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Long Lazy Summers: Learning to Knit - Crochet - Embroider

During those long lazy summers of the 1930's and 1940's, kids weren't allowed to be lazy, although they didn't go to summer camp.  Arax, Arppie and Kenar made needle lace (tserakordz) under the watchful eye of their mother Azniv and their Grandmother Turvant.  How they did it, Marash Girl will never know.   In the 1950's, Auntie Mary Kurtgusian Pambookian, Marash Girl's grandmother Yepros's sister,  tried to teach Marash Girl tserakordz (ցերագործ - translates "hand work" -Armenian Needle Lace), but MG's eyes were crossing and vision fading from the effort!

Thanks to  Grandma Jennie and Auntie Zabelle for teaching Marash Girl the easier skills of  knitting, sewing, crocheting, embroidery.   Mistakes were no problem.  Just go back and fix them.  The project had no schedule -- it was just fun to do . . . like taking a walk (if it wasn't so darn hot out there!)
When in doubt, rip it out! You don't have to finish this any time soon.  It is the act of doing that matters.  AND knit in at least one mistake -- only God is perfect.  (Marash Girl doesn't remember when she learned that factoid, but she has already taught her grandchildren -- both knitting AND the factoid.)


  1. Remember my knitting knobby? I knitted a rug large enough for my feet to stand upon, my little feet

    1. Oh, I forgot about the knitting knobby contests . . . . A rug you made -- you sweet little boy!

  2. Nobody's perfect? Au contraire. Yeshua, fully man and fully god was perfect. What is more is that he left us with the commandment, 'Be perfect, as your father in heaven is perfect'. Do you think he would have said that if it were not possible? He bequeathed to us the Holy Spirit which is the enabler. The first and great commandment declared by Yeshua is to love The Lord thy god with all your heart, mind, soul and strength'. R.C. Sprout, a venerable reformed presbyterian scholar, teacher, writer, and preacher, purportedly said that it was not possible to that for even five minutes, So, Don't Even Try. Can you imagine that? Here he is, a gatekeeper for theological purity, and he falls flat right out of the gate. Is it any wonder that American Christianity is so powerless, with teachers like that? Unfortunately, it is seconded and promoted by all the major seminaries. The reason for that is because the seminaries, for the most part, have reduced Christianity to a philosophy, which is nothing more than another form of lust of the flesh. Intellectualism is the pride of man, and the idol which modern man worships. The commandment 'to walk in the spirit, and forsake the lust of the flesh', was reduced to the absurdity of forsaking only that which is tangible. Having surrendered to a life that pursues not the spirit, but the world of 'theological purity' strips the supplicant of the spiritual armor and arms to resist the very temptations hurled at Yeshua following his forty day fast. We now have a tv culture of preachers who are shills for the devil, seducing the many to celebrate their 'sonship' in Christ by turning stones into bread. The filth and corruption of the church is akin to the the Augean Stables. Only a mighty wind can save us from ourselves, and that mighty wind will come when man forsakes 'the lust of the flesh and pursues a walk in the spirit'.
