Sunday, August 31, 2014

Surprise on Payson Road, Belmont, Massachusetts


Yesterday, parking along Payson Road in Belmont, Massachusetts, Marash Girl wondered where, in actuality, she was when she looked up and saw these Native American plaques  posted on  the telephone pole at the side of the road.   Asking a neighbor what they were and why they were there, the neighbor said that the plaques were there for as long as she had been there, and that perhaps her neighbor was spiritual. . . Marash Girl never learned the real story behind the plaques on the telephone pole, but perhaps you, dear reader, know. . .

1 comment:

  1. Quite well done. Perhaps the local police might know. Think how different life would be if this were the reference standard for graffiti. Our lives would be walked as through an art gallery. No more graffiti police, just art critics/lovers.x
