Sunday, January 4, 2015

Girls' College at Marash, Ottoman Empire

Fotoğraf : Board misyonerlerinin kız okulu , or Kīz Kolej, Maraş

Marash Girl received a link to this photo in her email this morning.  It is a photo of the school that Marash Boy's mother Azniv attended in the early 20th Century, and the school that Marash Girl's grandmother Yester Bosnian Vartanian attended (she must have boarded at the school as her home was in Aintep), before becoming a teacher.  Marash Girl had always heard reference to the school, and now, for the first time, a lifetime later, she has the opportunity to see a photograph of the Girls School (a rarity at the beginning of the 20th century), albeit in an ancient photo.  She wonders if either her grandmother or Marash Boy's mother are in the photo!

Translation of Turkish below to follow!

Değirmendere , Maraş ilinin Göksun ilçesine bağlı bir köydür

■ 20. yüzyıl başında kısmen Ermeni yerleşimi

■ 20. yüzyıl başında Değirmendere'de 140 Ermeni yaşıyordu


  1. Hello Marash girl! Here's the translation:

    The caption underneath is
    "Missionary Board Girls School, or Girls College, Marash."

    (Degirmendere appears to be the name of the village or town, it means "Pier Creek".)

    "Degirmendere part of the Guksun County/Area of Marash province.

    At the start of the 20th century it was partially inhabited by Armenians.
    At the start of the 20th century it had 140 Armenians."

    My husband attended Tarsus American College in the 1970's and says that the architecture of the entrance at Tarsus is exactly the same, with two staircases going up to an outdoor landing and entrance on the second floor.

    It's a charming picture... I'm curious about the tower structure in the back, what was that? And what is the fortress-looking structure behind it?

    How exciting if you could date it and find out if your grandmothers were in it!

    Love your blog! Karen Merguerian

    1. Thank you so much, Karen, and thank your husband for me!. The photo is from the Facebook page entitled Kahraman Marash.

  2. Rear building military barracks
