Thursday, March 31, 2011


Potatoes and onions -- that's all Marash Girl had left in the larder -- and the refrigerator was nearly empty (on purpose) as she would be leaving home for a week, and didn't want to return to rot. Oh.  And a few eggs still in the carton.  So what to make for supper?

Recently, Marash Girl took a friend for a tour of the houses along Franklin Street in Newton Corner. Gazing in awe at the elaborate homes that graced the street on either side, Marash Girl's friend related the following tale -- (can't imagine what on this street called to his mind potatoes and onions). . . "One day my wife was at her wits end as to what to cook for supper.  Finally, in desperation, she  just chopped up some potatoes and onions, fried them in a pan, and dropped eggs over them.  The fragrance (and it was fragrance for me)  filled me with joy -- I hadn't eaten that meal for supper since I was a kid.  It was at that moment that I realized how happy I was that I married her."

 Take heed, girls.  As Marash Girl always says, "The way to a man's heart . . . ."

1 comment:

  1. A favorite dinner of mine, too - I also toss in (as available) some cheddar and green beans (fresh, frozen or canned, as available). And I can usually find a can of fruit or at least apple sauce for dessert!
