Monday, June 30, 2014

Rev. Gilbert Bilezikian, Guest Preacher at Armenian Memorial Church

Rev. Gilbert Bilezikian, great-grandson of Rev. Sarkis Bilezikian (the first minister of the Armenian protestant church in Marash, Ottoman Empire), and nephew of Rev. Vartan Bilezikian (first minister of the United Armenian Bretheren Evangelical Church of Watertown, Massachusetts), spoke to the congregation of the Armenian Memorial Church in Watertown, Massachusetts, yesterday.  "Being a Christian is not a matter of a one time decision; it is a lifetime commitment."  Rev. Bilezikian, Baptist minister and Professor at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, was among the founders of Christians for Biblical Equality and has authored numerous books, among them Beyond Sex Roles: What the Bible Says about a Woman's Place in Church and Family.


  1. Theology?, Nuts. It all comes down to the first great commandment, and the second which is inseparable from the first. #1: to love the
    Lord thy God (Jesus, Yeshua, in Hebrew) with all one's heart, mind, soul, and strength, and the second is to love one's neighbor as oneself. This declared by Jesus in the New Testament and first declared in the Old Testament. Anything short of that is religion, as usual, and rubbish. Some of these university profs of Christianity in Christian schools refuse relationship with their relatives who dare to have a different Political opinion. Can you imagine? No wonder the country is going to hell.

  2. "Being a christian is not a matter of a one time decision, it is a lifetime commitment", is a remarkable statement. To state the obvious, and get paid for its profundity is quite indicative of either the failed state of pedagogy, the failed state of Christianity at Wheaton college, or utter failure at the pulpit. Professor/Reverend Bilezikian gets paid for stating the obvious, and is regaled for it. He has a French accent, doesn't he. Of course, that must be it. Thinking aloud in English, daydreaming, even, sounds better cum French accent.

    1. Sometimes we don't notice the obvious simply because it is obvious ....

    2. Sounds pretty oriental to me, marash girl. :)

    3. You mean like hiding something in plain sight? Now, there's a novel approach to evangelism, preaching, etc., etc., etc.

  3. Compassion, love, gratitude practiced daily in all of our thoughts, words, and deeds are part of a lifelong commitment to God. Knowing that God wants to meet all of our needs and that we are never truly alone despite how we might be feeling are reminders for me that my life is my prayer and how I live it matters to all that is as nothing goes unnoticed. Bilezikian Blessings bestowed benevolently. Blessed Be to all beings now and always, Amen.

    1. How does one define 'love'? What is the biblical definition of 'love'? Loving what is the question, as well?

  4. Mormon Women may wish to read Rev. Bilezikian's book "Beyond Sex Rolls"! hmmmm!!! An eye opener?

    1. Why single out Mormon women, if the book is such a great book? Perhaps you haven't read the book and you were charmed by the title?
      That would explain your 'typo' misspelling the title, not a typo, at all, eh? Clever boy/girl

  5. Or an eye closer.
